CLARIN provides support for researchers involved in Horizon Europe projects at various stages in the project life-cycle. Help and support are available in planning, proposing and carrying out projects, and also support in the sustainability and re-use of digital outputs, and dissemination after the end of the project.
CLARIN's mission includes the offer to help, support and participate in projects involving digital language resources and technologies, not just Horizon Europe, although that is the particular focus here. Here are suggestions for a number of ways in which CLARIN might be able to help:
- As an official ERIC, CLARIN’s involvement can strengthen proposals in the eyes of the European Commission, and present easy solutions for connectivity and sustainability
- CLARIN will consider partnership to offer research infrastructure services without additional funding
- CLARIN can delegate funded tasks to contracted third parties
- CLARIN is a partner in a number of Horizon Europe projects: CLARIN in EU Projects
- CLARIN offers seed grants for preparing proposals: Seed grants
- CLARIN collaborates with Europeana: CLARIN and Europeana
- CLARIN offers ready integration in EOSC (European Open Science Cloud: CLARIN in EOSC
The cluster of aspirations and practices sometimes described as "Open Science" are increasingly important for good practice in research, and are increasingly becoming requirements for projects. CLARIN can help a project to meet requirements in the following areas:
- Promoting the sharing and re-use of data through sustainable data registries;
- All integrated datasets available in open access for research purposes;
- Adherence to the FAIR data principles
- Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable
- Interoperability through a common metadata framework
- Promotion of responsible data science
- Support for linguistic diversity
- Data covering more than 1500 languages
- Tools for many languages
- Language resources in all modalities
- Strengthening the support for 500,000 professional SSH researchers in Europe.
So, including CLARIN in your project proposal can be a way to show you are working towards these goals. A good summary of CLARIN's investment in this area can be found in 'CLARIN: Towards FAIR and Responsible Data Science Using Language Resources' in the Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), May 2018, 3259-3264.
The CLARIN-UK network includes many key players in corpus and computational linguistics and digital humanities in the UK. You can include CLARIN in your proposal via one of these centres, via CLARIN ERIC direct, at the European level, by one of the very many centres around Europe that are part of CLARIN consortia, or feel free to get in touch with to help find the best contact.