CLARIN in other countries

CLARIN is a distributed infrastructure, with activities in every member country, coordinated by a central hub. For the latest updates to information about participating countries, please see the page on the CLARIN ERIC website. As well as visiting the home pages of the consortia in the links below, you can find out more about their activities in the Tour de CLARIN.


National Consortium (NC) Leading NC Partner National Coordinator
Austria CLARIAH-AT ACDH-CH Karlheinz Mörth
Belgium CLARIN BE Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal (INT) Vincent Vandeghinste
Bulgaria CLaDA-BG Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Kiril Simov
Croatia HR-CLARIN University of Zagreb Marko Tadić
Cyprus CLARIN-CY Digital Heritage Research Lab (Cyprus University of Technology) Marinos Ioannides
Czech Republic LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ Charles University Prague Eva Hajičová
Denmark CLARIN-DK University of Copenhagen Costanza Navarretta
Estonia CLARIN Estonia Center of Estonian Language Resources Joshua Wilbur
Finland FIN-CLARIN University of Helsinki Krister Lindén
Germany CLARIN-D Institut fuer Deutsche Sprache, University of Mannheim Andreas Witt
Greece clarin:el ILSP-ATHENA Research Center Stelios Piperidis
Hungary HunCLARIN Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Tamás Váradi
Iceland CLARIN Iceland The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies Starkaður Barkarson
Italy CLARIN-IT Institute for Computational Linguistics A. Zampolli, Italian National Research Council Monica Monachini
Latvia CLARIN-LV Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia Inguna Skadiņa
Lithuania CLARIN-LT Vytautas Magnus University Jurgita Vaičenonienė
The Netherlands CLARIAH-NL KNAW Humanities Cluster Gijsbert Rutten
Norway CLARINO University of Bergen Koenraad De Smedt
Poland CLARIN PL Wroclaw University of Technology Maciej Piasecki
Portugal PORTULAN CLARIN University of Lisbon António Branco
Slovenia CLARIN.SI Jožef Stefan Institute Tomaž Erjavec
Spain CLARIAH-ES HiTZ (Basque Centre for Language Technology) German Rigau
Sweden SWE-CLARIN Språkbanken Lars Borin
Observer National Consortium (NC) Leading Partner NC National Coordinator
South Africa SADiLaR North-West University Langa Khumalo
United Kingdom CLARIN-UK Oxford University Martin Wynne
Switzerland CLARIN-CH University of Zurich Marianne Hundt
Other nodes (type) Name Country  
Third-party ERIC Member TalkBank USA  
Knowledge Centre CORLI (Corpus, Language, and Interactions) France