Oxford Text Archive Collections

The main repository for CLARIN-UK is the Literary and Linguistic Data Service, which hosts the Oxford Text Archive Collections, and accepts deposits of digital literary and linguistic resources. The LLDS repository is a CLARIN Centre, and is part of the AHRC-funded Infrastructure for Digital Arts and Humanities programme, offering repository services and long-term preservation for the digital outputs of research projects in literary and linguistic subject domains. Please get in touch with llds@ling-phil.ox.ac.uk if you want to deposit resources. 

Resources deposited here will be preserved in a trusted repository, made available for download (where appropriate), and will be integrated into the CLARIN infrastructure.

The Oxford Text Archive Collections include digital texts, language corpora and various other textual and lexical resources. The Oxford Text Archive has been in continuous operation since 1976, and more than 70,000 items are available in the OTA collections from the Literary and Linguistic Data Service repository at the University of Oxford.


The previous implementation of the Oxford Text Archive at the Bodleian Libraries (https://ota.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/) no longer accepts deposits and is not being updated.