Digital Resources for the Languages in Ireland and Britain

Advice and support for users of digital language resources

Slide showing possible queries about digital resources

Do you have a query about finding, access and using digital resources for the languages of the UK? You can ask us!

Enquiries will be dealt with on a best-efforts basis by members of the CLARIN-UK consortium, who have expertise in different languages, regions, resource types, technologies, etc.. It is intended that the scope should be wide and inclusive, including national languages and varieties, and other languages as spoken by communities in the UK. Queries should be sent to:

It is proposed to launch a knowledge centre entitled Digital Resources for the Languages in Ireland and Britain, to provide advice and support to researchers and others who want to find and use software programmes and digital datasets in the native languages of Britain and Ireland, in all their varieties, in contemporary and historic forms, as well as other languages as they are used in this region. The centre will be virtual and distributed, with a central online presence and contact point. Information to orient and help users will be posted online, and queries will be responded to by a network of experts centred around the CLARIN-UK consortium, plus additional experts in key languages and domains, such as the Irish National Corpus project (see, and experts across Europe in the CLARIN network. 

The centre would aim to be a source of authoritative answers for questions like "Is there a semantic tagger for Welsh?", "How do I do OCR for Scottish Gaelic?", "Is there a corpus of Irish-language social media posts?", and "Is there an online dictionary for Old English?"

The centre will apply for certification as a CLARIN Knowledge Centre. Read more about CLARIN K-Centres here.

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