A presentation will be made of a joint paper from Mo El-Haj (Lancaster University), Mícheál J. Ó Meachair (Dublin City University), Dawn Knight (Cardiff University), Paul Rayson (Lancaster University) and Martin Wynne (University of Oxford) entitled 'DR-LIB: a Knowledge Centre to support the use of Digital Resources for the Languages in Ireland and Britain' at the UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Association Annual Event at University College Cork on 5th June 2024, to start the process of launching this new service to offer help and advise to users looking to find out more about applications and datasets for digital research related to English, Irish, Scots, Scottish Gaelic, Welsh and other languages in use in Britain and Ireland. Queries to a central point of contact will be allocated to the relevant expert from among a wide panel with expertise in a wide range of languages, varieties, technologies and sub-domains, drawing on the Europe-wide CLARIN community, and others based in Britain and Ireland.
More details here:
DR-LIB: Digital Resources for the Languages in Ireland and Britain