The CLARIN Annual Conference is the main annual event for those working on the construction and operation of CLARIN across Europe, as well as for representatives of the communities of use in the humanties and social sciences. The 2019 annual conference with a programme of keynotes, papers, posters, demos and meetings will take place 30 September until 2 October in Leipzig, Germany. A call for papers has not yet been issued.
The categories of people welcomed include authors of accepted papers, members of national consortia and representatives of CLARIN centres as well as representatives from partner organizations. People who have been invited to attend the conference will receive registration information from the CLARIN Office or from national coordinators of their country. As an Observer of CLARIN, the UK can expect to have a number of funded places.
UK researchers in any language technology-related field are invited to submit papers, but papers must demonstrate some relationship to CLARIN, even if it is only a discussion about how the tools and resources might be integrated with CLARIN in the future. Accepted papers will be published in the conference Book of Abstracts. After the conference, the author(s) will be invited to submit a full paper. Accepted full papers will be published in a digital conference proceedings volume at Linköping University Electronic Press within about 6 months after the conference.
More details on the conference webpage.