The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), and the Department for Culture, Media, and Sport (DCMS) are co-hosting an online event to promote opportunities available to UK Arts and Humanities researchers and organisations through Cluster 2 of Horizon Europe. This event will take place 4 February 2022, following the opening of Cluster 2 calls on 20th January 2022. AHRC, ESRC, and DCMS hosted a similar event in August 2021, and we are planning to closely follow the structure of this event with an additional section dedicated to research infrastructures.
CLARIN has been noted as an excellent example of research infrastructure with experience in engaging with Horizon Europe funding programmes. AHRC and ESRC have invited Martin Wynne as a representative of CLARIN to present a case study of your work, outlining how CLARIN-UK plans to engage with Horizon Europe funding, so that attendees can gain insight into how the process might look for them, and to indicate any signposting of opportunities within the infrastructure to develop consortia for proposals.