Beatrice's research focuses on text mining and natural language processing to extract information from raw text. Since 2018, she has been Chancellor's Fellow at the Edinburgh Futures Institute and the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures as well as Turing Fellow at The Alan Turing Institute and the School of Informatics. She was part of the Palimpsest project on Mining Literary Edinburgh and is one of the core developers of the Edinburgh Geoparser. Since 2018, she has been leading the Edinburgh Language Technology Group (LTG), a research and development group working in the area of natural language engineering at the University of Edinburgh. Dr. Alex is PI or Co-I on a number of awards for text mining research. Alex has been co-organiser of LaTeCH and LaTeCH-CLfL workshops. She is also co-convener of the Data Science and Digital Humanities special interest group at The Alan Turing Institute and serves as an editor on the Journal of Open Humanities Data.